To modify or cancel event, email
Sign-up for a weekly email with list of events for the week. No spam.
The Vernal Area Community Calendar is provided as a public service and presents local events that are open to the public.
Use this form to suggest an event for the community calendar.
Please note that the Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce and other participating agencies may in their sole discretion accept or deny any requests for event listings or links. Events must follow local laws and regulations. Events need to have a firm date.
The event listings are free of charge. Submitting an event does not guarantee inclusion and events may be edited or withdrawn at our discretion. These guidelines are not meant to be an exhaustive list of what we do and do not include.
Accepted events will be added to the calendar based on the following guidelines:
The event organizer’s information is required to submit, but it will not be listed publicly.
To modify or cancel event, email
Sign-up for a weekly email with list of events for the week. No spam.